Wonder Woman Group Programme – Making Menopause Easy
Ready to recover your wits & waistline?
Here’s your safe space to be guided back to the fully-fledged Wonder Woman that you are.
This is for you if;
- You’re fed up with feeling exhausted from lack of sleep
- Power surges (AKA Hot flushes) are getting you down
- Feeling like you’re losing your mind
- Confused about what the menopause actually is!
- Brain fog causing problems at work & home
- Feel like you’re bouncing from pillar to post
- Libido gone walkabout
- Reaching for coffee or sweet things to get through the day
- Can’t wait for gin or wine o’clock
You want to be with a group of like-minded women in a supportive environment
NOW is the time to take back control
Put yourself at the top of the important list – remember you can’t help others if you’re running on empty
We live a third of our lives after menopause, so let’s make them count!
Nobody wants to spend their best years feeling rubbish.
Join me for 12 weeks of transformation of body, mind & spirit to get you living your best 3rd Act
Our peri-menopause years can last anywhere from 3-15 years! That’s a flippin’ long time to feel rubbish for.
I know, I know, you want to know what’s involved…..
It’s 90-day programme with group Q&A calls to support the training as you implement the changes
Together we’ll work on improving your sleep
Getting you off the hangry roller coaster by getting your blood glucose under control
We’ll work together to create healthier boundaries for you to bring down stress and or anxiety
We’ll look at nutrition and how this can be tweaked to improve both your wellbeing and energy levels
You’ll discover how it’s not just what you put in your body, but also what goes on your body and in your surrounding s that can affect how you feel
Understanding what your triggers are in situations and how to diffuse them
Each week will build on the last one, so that by the end of the 90 days you’ve got all the skills you need to stay fabulous as you move through peri-menopause and beyond
It’s all about putting you front & centre as you move from frazzled to fabulous
It’s about you living and enjoying your next 30+years
It’s about this and more
Grab your training cape and let’s start